The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
The Conservative Monitor

1. Book of the Month:

- "Do-Gooders", by Mona Charen

2. Articles

- North Korea is China’s "Borrowed Knife", by Alan Caruba

- Facts Versus Fears on Biotechnology, by Paul Driessen and Cyril Boynes, Jr

- How to Stop the Flood of Illegal Aliens, by Tom DeWeese

- Simpsons Episode On Gay Marriage Not A Flaming An Outrage!, by Frederick

3. Powerhouse Profits

4. Weekly Politickle, by F.R. Duplantier


1. Book of the Month:

"Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of
, by Mona Charen

The problem with good intentions is that they often prompt action that results
in bad things. In fact this is more often than not the case. Mona Charen points
out some of the bad things that have resulted from good intentions in recent
American History. She points out that true compassion, true good intentions
would take the effect of actions into account, making social policy more
conservative, indeed, more conservative.

For more information on this book click on the link below:


2. Articles

North Korea is China’s "Borrowed Knife"

Alan Caruba / Anxiety Center -- It just never fails to amaze me how, throughout
history and, in particular, the last century, nations great and small saw what
was coming and yet were unable or unwilling to stop two world wars and an
endless spate of smaller, but no less deadly conflicts. Which brings us to today
where we peer across the vast Pacific Ocean at North Korea and wonder whether
its leader is insane enough to launch a nuclear-armed missile at us or maybe
just at South Korea or Japan? More...

Facts Versus Fears on Biotechnology

Paul Driessen and Cyril Boynes, Jr / Eco-Imperialism -- The Congress of Racial
Equality’s recent conference, video and commentary on agricultural
biotechnology* presented personal testimonials from African farmers whose lives
have been improved by GM crops, impressive data on progress, and a message of
hope for poor, malnourished people in developing countries. The response has
been overwhelmingly positive. More...

How to Stop the Flood of Illegal Aliens

Tom DeWeese / American Policy Center -- The issue that will define our era and
determine the nation’s future is illegal immigration. Political debate is full
of schemes like “guest worker” programs and temporary worker cards to allow
illegals to “fill jobs that Americans just don’t want to do.” Such programs are
really just political doublespeak from politicians who lack the intestinal
fortitude to protect the borders of the United States. More...

Simpsons Episode On Gay Marriage Not A Flaming An Outrage!

Frederick Meekins / -- When most heard sodomite matrimony was coming to the
quintessential American town of Springfield, most assumed the abomination would
be heralded with typical Hollywood applause and accolades. And though I would be
uncomfortable with letting younger children view the episode, it was not without
humorous aspects exposing the hypocrisy inherent to this social outrage.


3. Powerhouse Profits

Luke Hodgens is our Finance/Economics editor. His cogent commentary keeps you
informed about the economy and the market. Mr. Hodgens is also editor of an
investment newsletter that reveals stocks where you can take a direct interest
in what is going on in world. His recommendations are thoroughly researched and
geared toward the conservative investor - that is the politically conservative
investor. To find out more about a company he recommends in his most recent
newsletter, click on the link below:


4. The work of F. R. Duplantier is a welcome break from serious political
battles. Here is one of his latest limericks (he calls them Politickles):

Alarmists like to heighten
Anxieties and frighten --
Their aim's made clear
In State of Fear
By author Michael Crichton.

Get Politickles Shop merchandise customized for your group or business, or
commission a one-of-a-kind design just for you. Take advantage of substantial
bulk-order discounts. See their full line at

For more information on Politickles or to order Mr. Duplantier's collection of
Politickle Limericks click on the link below:


To check out all the latest books by or about conservatives click the link


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