The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Reveals the individual keys to becoming an outstanding manager and a great leader and to achieving personal career success.


Sale Ends at Midnight

The Mises Store is offering a closeout price on Rothbard's massive treatise Man, Economy, and State, fully 1000 pages of clear exposition of Austrian School theory for $10, plus S&H. This price lasts until tonight at midnight.


I know you will enjoy this...

(From Mal, our correspondent on the Left Coast.)



Iran's Terrorist President

Andrew Longman has an interesting take on Iran's new president:

A little over the top, but still interesting.


Nude Police Calendar

(From Gene, our correspondent in Washington Heights.)

The all nude police officer calendar for 2005 comes in an all-male and
an all-female version. All pics show full frontal nudity, for both female
and males. Just click on the menu to select which one you want to view.

They are available for sale on the site -- the calendars, not the officers.

Click on the site below to view all 12 (24) totally nude police officers.


A Web Site of Interest

(From Dan, our correspondent in the Commonwealth of Taxachusetts)


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

An entertaining anthology featuring the work of seventy distinguished literary humorists features the whimsical essays and witty thoughts of drive-in movie critic Joe Bob Briggs, Daniel Radosh's Powerpoint Anthology of Literature, and works by Roy Blount Jr., Henry Alford, P. J. O'Rourke, Phil Austin, and Tom Gliatto, as well as a food section, zany tributes, a timely newscrawl, and other features.


How to Have Fun While doing Good

Captain Ed suggest a way to have fun while doing good for the Republic.

See Here...

When the project is finished I plan to spend a week and one thousand dollars.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

One of the nation's most controversial journalists and humorists offers another hard-hitting survey of the foibles of American foreign policy, recounting his experiences among consumers in Kuwait, in security obsessed airports around the globe, and in Kosovo, where "NATO tried to start World War III without hurting anyone."



A Political Look at Hollywood
By James Hirsen

A NewsMax Report

Headlines (Click here for complete stories):

1. Brit Media Offer Tom Cruise a Squirt Apology
2. Robert Redford's Deep Throat Thoughts
3. Runaway Bride Makes Crime Pay
4. Porn PlayStation?
5. PETA's Felonious Follies


A Letter From Ken Mehlman RNC Chairman

Democrats' Wild Rhetoric

Dear Patrick,

Yesterday's era of Democrats like Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy brought real ideas and solutions to the table in an attempt to make a better life for the American people. Unfortunately, today's Democrat Party is not the one your parents knew. Instead, today's Democrats are singularly focused on obstruction and over-the-top rhetoric, adding nothing to raise the level of discourse and address the concerns of Americans.

See for yourself, watch this new web video on!

The RNC's latest web video illustrates how far the Democrats have gone in debating the people's business in Washington, D.C. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean says Republicans are pretty much all "white Christians." Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Hillary Clinton and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also show that Democrats are without a plan but not without unhelpful rhetoric.

See for yourself. Watch the newest RNC web video on!

Ken Mehlman
RNC Chairman


Highly Recommended On-Line Articles

The Alleged Dangers of Progress

Is Libertarianism Amoral?



(From Mal, our correspondent on the Left Coast.)

The page below will be updated about once a week. Visit often to see the



(From Marian, or correspondent in Narrowsburg.)

This has got to be one of the most clever
E-mails I've received in a while.
Someone out there either has too much
spare time or is deadly at Scrabble.
(wait till you see the last one)!

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters
(With no letters left over and using each letter only once):


Friday, June 24, 2005

Book of the Day

A guide to the psychological side of successful investing discusses how one's own subconscious can determine a financial destiny, outlining seventeen specific attitudes possessed by wealthy people that can serve as models for stability and wealth. 100,000 first printing.


A Letter From Ken Mehlman, Chairman of the Republican Party

It's Time To Fix Social Security

Dear Patrick,

As we've all come to see through this year 's debate, the current Social Security system is financially unsustainable for future generations of Americans. We need to make sure when our children and grandchildren retire, they will receive the benefit that today's retirees currently enjoy. The problem is, every year we wait will cost $600 billion more to fix the problem.
We need to pass Social Security reform this year and we need your help today.

Will you call Sen. Charles Schumer at 202-224-6542 today and ask them to reform Social Security now?

Since his State of the Union speech in February, President Bush has shown remarkable leadership by traveling the country, talking to Americans about the challenges facing Social Security and the need for personal accounts to be a part of that solution. Simply put, personal accounts will help secure Social Security for future generations and allow younger Americans to grow a nest egg they own and can pass on to whomever they want. Democrats have done nothing but obstruct the President's plan and offer no solutions of their own. This type of attitude will do nothing to solve a problem Americans realize is getting worse every day.

Soon, Congress will start drafting legislation to make sure Social Security remains solvent for our children and grandchildren in the future. Call Sen. Charles Schumer at 202-224-6542. Tell them now is the time to come to the table with real ideas on how to fix Social Security. Also let Sen. Charles Schumer know that you're tired of the Democrats' obstructionism when it comes to Social Security. Our children and grandchildren deserve better and Democrats must stop their partisan obstructionism.

Then sign our petition to show your support for the President and Republican's efforts to fix Social Security.

Ken Mehlman
Chairman, RNC


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Book of the Day


There is No Failure Acceptable in the World of Jihad


The Timeline on the Durbin Controversy

June 14, 2005

U.S. Senate Floor Statement by Sen. Dick Durbin on Guantanamo Bay

Senator Durbin slanders the military.


June 15, 2005


Senator Durbin blames the White House.


Friday, June 17, 2005


Senator Durbin insults our intelligence with an apologetic non-apology.

My comments to Senator Durbin:

Fuck you! You're a worthless, lowlife, piece of shit!


Eat shit and die you worthless motherfucker!

I feel a lot better.


Is U.S. Paying 'Ghost Soldiers'?

A really scary story from

This could be one explanation why the US military hasn't beaten the terrorists in Iraq. If it's true, it could foretell real trouble down the road.


Anyone See Any Bias in these Headlines???

Anti-Syrian Critic Assassinated in Beirut

Anti-Syrian Critic Killed in Lebanon Blast

No, well must be my imagination run wild. Of course, this begs the question as to why the headlines just don't read like this:

Lebanese Politician Assassinated

Just wondering...


Monday, June 20, 2005

Book of the Day

Recounts the survival efforts of thousands of people who were inside the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, in an account that also raises questions about building safety and New York's emergency preparedness.


No Media Bias Here...Right???

Anti-Syrian candidates take control in Lebanon; Hariri camp claims ...

Anti-Syrian Alliance Reportedly Wins Majority in Lebanon

Voice of America

Anti-Syrian sweep in Lebanon boosts opposition

Christian Science Monitor

Gee, weren't the winners Pro-Lebanon, or even Patriotic Lebanon. What is it with the mainstream media and their fascination with dictatorships?


What Do These Headlines Tell You?

FBI Chief Won't Mandate Terror Expertise

FBI Failed to Hire, Promote Terror Experts

FBI terrorism chiefs say Mideast expertise unneeded

So according to the geniuses at the FBI, they can protect us against terrorism without knowing a damn thing about it.

Taken to it's logical extension, the next time they need a doctor, pick someone without medical training.



Sunday, June 19, 2005

Book of the Day

A leading conservative writer focuses on some of today's most hotly debated domestic issues, arguing against liberal party practices in such areas as education, affirmative action, and welfare.


What Makes A Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad

Author is unknown


The Conservative Monitor

1. Book of the Month:

- "Do-Gooders", by Mona Charen

2. Articles

- North Korea is China’s "Borrowed Knife", by Alan Caruba

- Facts Versus Fears on Biotechnology, by Paul Driessen and Cyril Boynes, Jr

- How to Stop the Flood of Illegal Aliens, by Tom DeWeese

- Simpsons Episode On Gay Marriage Not A Flaming An Outrage!, by Frederick

3. Powerhouse Profits

4. Weekly Politickle, by F.R. Duplantier


1. Book of the Month:

"Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of
, by Mona Charen

The problem with good intentions is that they often prompt action that results
in bad things. In fact this is more often than not the case. Mona Charen points
out some of the bad things that have resulted from good intentions in recent
American History. She points out that true compassion, true good intentions
would take the effect of actions into account, making social policy more
conservative, indeed, more conservative.

For more information on this book click on the link below:


2. Articles

North Korea is China’s "Borrowed Knife"

Alan Caruba / Anxiety Center -- It just never fails to amaze me how, throughout
history and, in particular, the last century, nations great and small saw what
was coming and yet were unable or unwilling to stop two world wars and an
endless spate of smaller, but no less deadly conflicts. Which brings us to today
where we peer across the vast Pacific Ocean at North Korea and wonder whether
its leader is insane enough to launch a nuclear-armed missile at us or maybe
just at South Korea or Japan? More...

Facts Versus Fears on Biotechnology

Paul Driessen and Cyril Boynes, Jr / Eco-Imperialism -- The Congress of Racial
Equality’s recent conference, video and commentary on agricultural
biotechnology* presented personal testimonials from African farmers whose lives
have been improved by GM crops, impressive data on progress, and a message of
hope for poor, malnourished people in developing countries. The response has
been overwhelmingly positive. More...

How to Stop the Flood of Illegal Aliens

Tom DeWeese / American Policy Center -- The issue that will define our era and
determine the nation’s future is illegal immigration. Political debate is full
of schemes like “guest worker” programs and temporary worker cards to allow
illegals to “fill jobs that Americans just don’t want to do.” Such programs are
really just political doublespeak from politicians who lack the intestinal
fortitude to protect the borders of the United States. More...

Simpsons Episode On Gay Marriage Not A Flaming An Outrage!

Frederick Meekins / -- When most heard sodomite matrimony was coming to the
quintessential American town of Springfield, most assumed the abomination would
be heralded with typical Hollywood applause and accolades. And though I would be
uncomfortable with letting younger children view the episode, it was not without
humorous aspects exposing the hypocrisy inherent to this social outrage.


3. Powerhouse Profits

Luke Hodgens is our Finance/Economics editor. His cogent commentary keeps you
informed about the economy and the market. Mr. Hodgens is also editor of an
investment newsletter that reveals stocks where you can take a direct interest
in what is going on in world. His recommendations are thoroughly researched and
geared toward the conservative investor - that is the politically conservative
investor. To find out more about a company he recommends in his most recent
newsletter, click on the link below:


4. The work of F. R. Duplantier is a welcome break from serious political
battles. Here is one of his latest limericks (he calls them Politickles):

Alarmists like to heighten
Anxieties and frighten --
Their aim's made clear
In State of Fear
By author Michael Crichton.

Get Politickles Shop merchandise customized for your group or business, or
commission a one-of-a-kind design just for you. Take advantage of substantial
bulk-order discounts. See their full line at

For more information on Politickles or to order Mr. Duplantier's collection of
Politickle Limericks click on the link below:


To check out all the latest books by or about conservatives click the link


Your commentary is invited. Please use the link below to express your rants and


Feel free to forward this update to friends, family, acquaintances or even your
worst enemy. We do not trade or give away email addresses so subscribers never
need worry about getting SPAM:


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Book of the Day

The illegal combatants being held at Guantanamo were "tortured" by being forced to listen to songs by Cristina Aguilera. If the US really wanted to torture those Islamic fascist terrorist scum, they would use some of the songs listed in the above book.

Encompassing such categories as songs people always get wrong, teen death songs, songs women hate, and weenie music, this musical commentary by the author of Dave Barry Turns 40 offers an amusing look at the world's worst lyrics and, in general, bad songs. Reprint.

Thanks to Powerline for the idea.


Amnesty International Calls Guantanamo A "Gulag":

Should The U.S. Close The Prison At Guantanamo?

The Exempt Looney Left Wing Liberal Mainstream Media and their allies in the Democrat Party have given their opinion on this topic.

If you feel strongly about this issue, we encourage you to ask your friends and
family to vote on it at this link:



A Political Look at Hollywood

By James Hirsen

A NewsMax Report

Headlines (Click here for complete stories):

1. Sean Penn Surfs Over to Tehran
2. Movement Aims to 'Free Katie' From Tom Cruise
3. Sitcom Science
4. The Pitt-Jolie Air Sale
5. Did M.J. Play the Fame Card?


Mark Furhman Investigates Terri Schiavo's Death


We all watched Terri Schiavo die. Now former LAPD homicide detective and New York Times bestselling author Mark Furhman investigates to find out what really happened.

Later this month, Furhman's newest book, Silent Witness: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo's Death, will be released. It will prove the controversy over Terry Schiavo's death is far from over.

Click Here...


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Book of the Day


Quote of the Week:

(From Veterans Advantage.)

I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.

— Thomas Paine


Pizza Delivery of the Future?

(From Gene, our correspondent in Washington Heights.)

Note: Takes time to load. Worth the wait.



(From John, our correspondent in Narrowsburg.)

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500
employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet?

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of Idiots
that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in


Subject: Your Birthday

(From Bob, our correspondent in Bayside.)

Age Gauge

This will really make you feel old....... Put your birth date in the pop up window after you click on the below link. What happens is pretty interesting. It's also amazing how quickly it computes!! Very cool. Send it on to all you think might like a bit of trivia!!

Click here:

< >



(From John, our correspondent in Narrowsburg.)

1. What's the definition of a will? (It's a dead giveaway).

2. In democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your
count that votes.

3. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

4. If you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed.

5. A lot of money is tainted. 'Taint yours and 'taint mine.

6. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

7. Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine.

8. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.

9. Acupuncture is a jab well done.

10. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Book of the Day


Breaking News from

'Moron' Bush Beat Kerry at Yale

President Bush, who is routinely derided as a "moron" by embittered Democrats, earned slightly better grades at Yale University than Sen. John Kerry, the supposed Massachusetts intellectual.

What a bummer for the Left!


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Book of the Day

. Orders All Web Sites to Register

Yeah, delude yourself, it can't happen here.


Monday, June 06, 2005

Book of the Day


* * * BrainEmail Daily Triva * * *

(From John Babina.To JOIN the BrainETrivia list send a message to:


What is the origin of the phrase stool pigeon? Clay Pigeon?

Please Scroll down!


Live pigeons were used to attract the now extinct Passenger Pigeons.
These decoy pigeons had their eyes sewn closed and were placed on
poles or perches called “stools”. Thus they became known as stool
pigeons. The term was transferred to people who lured criminals into
police traps.

[Passenger Pigeon lived in huge flocks and were very easy to harvest.
As a result, their numbers were vastly reduced and they ultimately
went into extinction. Apparently, the Passenger Pigeon needed to
have overwhelming numbers in their colonies to overcome their natural
predators. Even though tens of thousands were left over after
millions were hunted, the remainder could not survive. The last
Passenger Pigeon named Martha died in 1914.]

In the 1700s, the sport of trapshooting used live pigeons released
from “traps”. Later, as pigeons became scarce, artificial birds were
created to simulate the pigeons. These fake birds included glass
balls filled with feathers and iron birds on rods. Disk-shaped clay
pigeons were developed around 1870. The “clay” pigeon can also be
made from limestone & pitch.
The term clay pigeon can also be used for someone who is an “easy

Bonus question: Where did the term skeet shooting come from?

The term skeet is derived from the Scandinavian word for “shoot”. It
was submitted in a 1926 contest to name the game of shooting clay
pigeons. The winner was Gertrude Hurlbutt of Dayton, Montana and she
got $100.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Book of the Day


Breaking News from

Kerry Touts Bush Impeachment Memo

Failed presidential candidate John Kerry said Thursday that he intends to confront Congress with a document touted by critics of President Bush as evidence that he committed impeachable crimes by falsifying evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. (Click Here...)



(From John, our correspondent in Narrowsburg.)

It's once again time to review the winners of the annual Stella Awards.
The Stella's are named after 81 year old Stella Liebeck who spilled coffee
on herself and successfully sued McDonald's. That case inspired the
'Stella Awards' for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the United


5th Place (Tied)

Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her
peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running
inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably
surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving toddler was Ms.
Robertson's son.

5th Place (Tied)

19 year old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses
when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman
apparently did not notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when
he was trying to steal the hubcaps.

5th Place (Tied)

Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania was leaving a house he had just
finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage
door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He could
not re-enter the house because the door connecting the house and garage
locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation and Mr. Dickson
found himself locked in the garage for 8 days. He subsisted on a case of
Pepsi he found and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner's
insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The Jury
agreed to the tune of $500,000.

4th Place

Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas was awarded $14,500 and medical
expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor's
Beagle dog. The Beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. The
award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been a
little provoked at the time as Mr. Williams, who had climbed over the
fence into the yard, was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.

3rd Place

A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her
coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had
thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier, during an argument.

2nd Place

Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware sued the owner of a Night Club in a
neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and
knocked out two of her front teeth. This occurred whilst Ms. Walton was
trying to sneak in the window of the Ladies Room to avoid paying the $3.50
cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.

1st Place!!!!!

This year's runaway winner was Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma. Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new Winnebago Motor home. On his
trip home from an OU football game, having driven onto the freeway, he set
the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the driver's seat to go into
the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly the RV left
the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not
advising him in the owner's manual that he could not actually do this. The
jury awarded him $1,750,000 plus a new Winnebago Motor home. The company
actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit just in case
there were any other complete morons buying their recreational vehicles.


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Book of the Day



Exclusive to NewsMax

By Jason Apuzzo & Govindini Murty

Headlines (Click here for complete stories):

1. Russell Crowe Triumphs in 'Cinderella Man'
2. Friendship Celebrated in 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants'
3. DiCaprio Has Hemingway Ambitions
4. Stallone to Make Another 'Rambo'?
