The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Globaloney Warming

(This originally appeared on Steyn Online as a letter to the editor.)


I absolutely love your work - very sharp. I've been pondering a topic that would
be perfect for a Steynian discourse, particularly since you primarily occupy
northern climes.

Here's the problem. The geological evidence (derived primarily from ocean
sediments and polar ice core records) shows very clearly that there have been
approximately 20 evenly-timed glacial episodes in the past 2 million years or
so, each of approximately 100,000 years' duration. During these glacial periods
Canada is covered in roughly a mile-thick layer of ice. During the intervening
'interglacials' , as we now find ourselves, Canada and northern Europe are
actually habitable, to a degree (I live in California, so I'd consider it a very
limited degree) for relatively short periods rarely exceeding 10,000 years. Our
current interglacial, termed the Holocene era, started, well, just about 10,000
years ago, and we've been in a longterm cooling trend since the 'altithermal'
period about 6,000 years ago.

As such, Canada should be considered on deathwatch.

This recurring pattern is striking in its regularity, and is attributed to
astronomical factors, primarily regular changes in the shape of earth's orbit
which control how much summer sunlight is available to melt the ice annually.
The details of this mechanism are a matter of study and debate, but the
clockwork of glaciation and deglaciation is truly one of the marvels of
scientific discovery, and of nature itself.

When the next glaciation occurs, which it almost certainly will (absent a huge
surprise or some sort of artificial climate modification), Canada will return
again to a deeply frozen, nearly lifeless wasteland. It will be completely
deforested (that includes maple trees). Its topsoil will be scraped clean,
carried south by the flowing ice and redeposited in the American midwest for
future bubba farmers to plow and fertilize. Every Canadian ever lain to rest in
his homeland will be rudely disinterred by mother nature and reburied somewhere
in Ohio or Missouri or maybe carried all the way down to the Mississippi delta,
perhaps to be lain in a red Bush state for eons to come.

Unless we miraculously find some way to achieve a sort of 'global warming'
effect, Canada is done, and it won't be long.

Jim Johnstone
Berkeley, California