The Pamphleteer |
During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree.
The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
The Refdesk Sites of the Day are: SPAM Do you receive lots of junk email messages from people you don't know? It's no surprise if you do. As more people use email, marketers are increasingly using email messages to pitch their products and services. Some consumers find unsolicited commercial email - also known as "spam" - annoying and time consuming; others have lost money to bogus offers that arrived in their email in-box. This website has information about the Federal Trade Commission's recent law enforcement actions against deceptive commercial email and spammers' responsibilities under the CAN-SPAM law. ----- Genetics Home Reference Genetics Home Reference is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes responsible for those conditions. ----- Refdesk Thoughts of the Day: "The great German poet, Goethe, who also lived through a crisis of freedom..." "The great German poet, Goethe, who also lived through a crisis of freedom, said to his generation: 'What you have inherited from your fathers, earn over again for yourselves or it will not be yours.' We inherited freedom. We seem unaware that freedom has to be remade and re-earned in each generation of man." -Adlai Ewing Stevenson ----- "That which seems the height of absurdity..." "That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next." -John Stuart Mill ----- "Don’t try to go too fast. Learn your job..." "Don’t try to go too fast. Learn your job. Don’t ever talk until you know what you’re talking about…. If you want to get along, go along." -Sam Rayburn ----- Monday, November 13, 2006
Refdesk Thoughts of the Day: "Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock..." "Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden; give him a nine years lease of a garden, and he will convert it into a desert…. The magic of PROPERTY turns sand to gold." -Arthur Young ----- "The nation is burdened with the heavy curse on those who come afterwards..." "The nation is burdened with the heavy curse on those who come afterwards. The generation before us was inspired by an activism and a naive enthusiasm, which we cannot rekindle, because we confront tasks of a different kind from those which our fathers faced." -Max Weber ----- The Refdesk Sites of the Day are: ScienceWorld Comprehensive online encyclopedias of astronomy, math, physics, scientific biographies, and scientific books, with many equations and formulas. ----- The Harvard Classics and The Shelf of Fiction The most comprehensive and well-researched anthology of all time comprises both the 50-volume “5-foot shelf of books” and the the 20-volume Shelf of Fiction. Together they cover every major literary figure, philosopher, religion, folklore and historical subject through the twentieth century. ----- The Forms Catalog provides citizens and businesses with a common access point to federal agency forms. ----- Modern Day Manners (From Bob, our correspondent in Bayside.) During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners, asks the students: "Michael, if you were on a date, having supper with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?" "Just a minute, I have to go pee." "That would be rude and impolite! ! !" "What about you Peter, how would you say it?" "I am sorry , but I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table." "And you Little Johnny, are you able to use your intelligence for once and show us your good manners?" "I would say: 'Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after supper." The teacher fainted. . Sunday, November 12, 2006
Highly Recommended On-Line Articles What She Said Mises's Favorite Anglo-American Economists Let Cultures Play Out Their Own Problems Should We Force Others to Shape Up? What Was Wrong With the Old World . Refdesk Thoughts of the Day: “Facts which at first seem improbable will..." “Facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty." -Galileo ----- "We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood..." "We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice - that is, until we have stopped saying, 'It got lost,' and say, 'I lost it.' " -Sydney J. Harris ----- "Patience is bitter..." "Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." -Aristotle ----- The Refdesk Sites of the Day are: Consumer Price Index The Consumer Price Indexes program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services. ----- Home Improvement Encyclopedia Your step-by-step guide to home repair and maintenance. This site by Better Homes and Gardens presents topics from Deck Planning to Woodworking and Finishes. ----- Yahoo! Elected Officials Find elected officials, including the president, members of Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more. ----- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the 13 major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services, which is the principal agency in the United States government for protecting the health and safety of all Americans and for providing essential human services, especially for those people who are least able to help themselves. ----- Magnetic Storms Is the magnetic field protecting Earth from deadly radiation about to reverse direction or even disappear? This PBS site explores all aspects of Magnetic Storms. ----- Saturday, November 11, 2006
Why Veterans' Day is Important Oath of Enlistment/Commision for the military. It is as follows: The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows: Enlisted Oath "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962). Officer's Oath of Commission "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.) What is unique about these two oaths? There is no mention of defending a government, country, President, Congress, or any other temporal entity. In other words, there is no oath to defend "King, God and country". The military of the United States of America are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. On this day, thank a veteran. . Friday, November 10, 2006
Highly Recommended On-Line Articles Psychoanalysis as a Weapon The Hermeneutical Invasion of Philosophy and Economics Iraq Through a Rebel's Eyes . Job Description (From Gene, our correpsondent in Washington Heights.) One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up--fireman, mechanic, businessman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, CPA, architect, engineer, political consultant, and so forth. But little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he replied, "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and make love with him for money." The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?" "No," the boy said, "He works for the Democratic National Committee and is helping to secure the nomination of Hillary Clinton, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids. . Refdesk Thoughts of the Day: "A purpose of human life..." "A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. ----- "To sit in the shade on a fine day..." "To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment." -Jane Austen ----- "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is..." "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." -Theodore Roosevelt ----- "What is man..." "What is man but his passion?" -Robert Penn Warren ----- "If you would be loved..." "If you would be loved, love and be lovable." -Benjamin Franklin ----- The Refdesk Sites of the Day are: Is Race for Real? We all know that people look different. Anyone can tell a Czech from a Chinese. But are these differences racial? What does race mean? Find the answers to these and other questions by exploring different interactivities within this PBS site. ----- Ask Jeeves Kids Ask Jeeves for Kids is a fast, easy and kid-friendly way for kids to find answers to their questions online. Designed to be a fun destination site focused on learning and "edutainment". Ask Jeeves for Kids uses natural-language technology that allows kids to ask questions, such as 'Why is the sky blue?' or 'What's it like to live in space?' in the same way they would ask a parent, friend or teacher. The service combines human editorial judgment with filtering technology to enable kids to find both relevant and appropriate answers on the Web. ----- The Holy Bible The culmination of English translations of the Bible, the publication of the American Bible Society’s King James Version features full-text searchability, content-based tables of contents and a quick verse finder. ----- American's Job Bank America's Job Bank is the biggest and busiest job market in cyberspace. Job seekers can post their resume where thousands of employers search every day, search for job openings automatically, and find their dream job fast. Businesses can post job listings in the nation's largest online labor exchange, create customized job orders, and search resumes automatically to find the right people, right now. ----- Saturday, November 04, 2006
Reason's Weekly Dispatch By Jeff A. Taylor and the Reason staff In this issue: 1. One Week Out 2. Madrassa Strike 3. Unfriendly Fire 4. Quick Hits 5. New at Reason Online - Say (None of the Above) to Michigan! 6. News and Events . Highly Recommended On-Line Articles The Fraudulent Tax Did Phelps Really Explain Stagflation? The Revolutionary War and the Destruction of the Continental Wage Gaps, Inequality, and Government . Refdesk Thoughts of the Day: "Without feelings of respect..." "Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?" -Confucius ----- "The difference between the almost right word and the right word..." "The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter - ’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning." -Mark Twain ----- "Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them..." "Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny." -Carl Schurz ----- Exchange between Two Superpowers (From Gene, our correspondent in Washington Heights.) "It is said that, just before the Sino-Soviet split, Nikita Krushchev had a tense meeting with Zhou Enlai at which he told the latter that he now understood the problem. 'I am the son of coal miners,' he said. 'You are the descendant of feudal mandarins. We have nothing in common.' 'Perhaps we do,' murmured his Chinese antagonist. 'What?' blustered Krushchev. 'We are,' responded Zhou, 'both traitors to our class.'" ---Christopher Hitchens reviewing Peter Y. Sussman's Decca: The Letters of Jessica Mitford in The Atlantic Monthly. . Proof of Ownership (From Gene, our correspondent in Washington Heights.) For our international colleagues, the FHA is the US Federal Housing Authority. Proof of Ownership You gotta love this lawyer - It's too good not to share! Everyone who has ever bought a house will enjoy this. A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to the parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the Lawyer three months to track down. After sending the information to the FHA, he received the following reply. (Actual letter): "Upon review of your letter adjoining your client's loan application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have prepared and presented the application, we must point out that you have only cleared title to the proposed collateral property back to 1803. Before final approval can be accorded, it will be necessary to clear the title back to its origin." Annoyed, the lawyer responded as follows (actual letter): "Your letter regarding title in Case No. 189156 has been received. I note that you wish to have title extended further than the 194 years covered by the present application. I was unaware that any educated person in this country, particularly those working in the property area, would not know that Louisiana was purchased, by the U.S., from France in 1803, the year of origin identified in our application. 'For the edification of uninformed FHA bureaucrats, the title to the land prior to U.S. ownership was obtained from France, which had acquired it by Right of Conquest from Spain. The land came into the possession of Spain by Right of Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route to India by the Spanish monarch, Isabella. The good queen, Isabella, being a pious woman and almost as careful about titles as the FHA, took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before she sold her jewels to finance Columbus' expedition. 'Now, the Pope, as I'm sure you may know, is the emissary of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. God, it is commonly accepted, created this world. Therefore, I believe it is safe to presume that God also made that part of the world called Louisiana. "God, therefore, would be the owner of origin and His origins date back, to before the beginning of time, the world as we know it AND the FHA. I hope you find God's original claim to be satisfactory. "Now, may we have our dxxx loan?" [He got the loan.] . Remember This When You Vote (From Gene, our correspondent in Washington Heights.) 38 SENATORS VOTED AGAINST MAKING ENGLISH THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF AMERICA. HERE THEY ARE. Akaka (D-HI) Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Cantwell (D-WA) Clinton (D-NY) Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Domenici (-NM) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D -WI) Feinstein (D-CA) Harkin (D-IA) Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Kohl (D-WI) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lieberman (D-CT) Menendez (D-NJ) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Salazar (D-CO) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-MI) Wyden (D-OR) REMEMBER THIS THE DAY YOU VOTE. PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG. . The Refdesk Sites of the Day are: POTUS: Presidents of the United States In this resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included. ----- Natiional Atlas of the United States You've seen other atlases. They're typically big books of paper maps. The pages in this atlas are here on the Internet whenever you need them. This is a new portrayal of America in maps. We use new technologies, but we honor traditions of accuracy, reliability, and innovation. You've found the single best Federal source for national maps and geographic information on the Web. The people and places of the United States are here. ----- Encyclopedia Smithsonian Encyclopedia Smithsonian helps answer frequently asked questions about the Smithsonian with links to resources on subjects from Art to Zoology. ----- U.S. Population Finder The Population Finder displays population numbers from the 1990 Census, Census 2000, and the latest Population Estimates data, and selected links to tables and maps showing population data. Use the simple geographic search form at the top of the page to change your geographic selection to a particular state, county, city, town, 5-digit ZIP code, or census tract. Census tracts are only returned when using search by address. ----- |