The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Thursday, May 11, 2006
The Refdesk Site of the Day is:

Leasons Learned: The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina

On August 23, 2005, Hurricane Katrina formed as a tropical storm off the coast
of the Bahamas. Over the next seven days, the tropical storm grew into a
catastrophic hurricane that made landfall first in Florida and then along the
Gulf Coast in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, leaving a trail of
heartbreaking devastation and human suffering. Katrina wreaked staggering
physical destruction along its path, flooded the historic city of New Orleans,
ultimately killed over 1,300 people, and became the most destructive natural
disaster in American history. This February 2006 report from the executive
branch investigates and discusses the federal government response to Hurricane
