The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Saturday, December 04, 2004
The Conservative Monitor Update


1. Book Review:

- "How to Talk to a Liberal", by Ann Coulter

2. Articles

- Clear Choices, by Judson Cox

- It's the Economy, Stupid, and It's Good! by Alan Caruba

- Heinz Thinks She’s Superior To Average American, by Frederick Meekins

- The Moral Case for the Invasion of Iraq - Part I, by Peter C. Glover

3. Powerhouse Profits

4. Weekly Politickle, by F.R. Duplantier


1. Book of the Month:

"How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) : The World According to Ann
by Ann Coulter. She has done it again, a book that levels the
left with truth and audacity. No one is bolder than Ann Coulter when she tells
it like it is. This compilation of her syndicated columns over the last five
years, includes previously unpublished work. She delves into many subjects, but
the main theme is dealing with the left and staying true to conservative
beliefs. Some call her bombastic, but those who know politics call her on the
mark. This is a fun read for conservatives who like their commentary with
punch. (She doesn't pull them.)

For more information on this book click on the link below:


2. Articles

Clear Choices

Judson Cox / -- Last week, I took advantage of early voting, and cast my ballot.
Granted, my brains haven’t baked in the southern sun quite as long as a
Floridian who can’t tell the difference between Al Gore and Pat Buchanan, but it
seemed a pretty clear choice to me. The whole process took maybe ten minutes,
and all I had to do was fill in a few ovals with a felt tipped pen. The ballot
was straight forward, the instructions were clear, and it could not have been
easier. More...

It's the Economy, Stupid, and It's Good!

Alan Caruba / Anxiety Center -- Lacking any real issues to run on, the Democrat
Party and its candidate have been telling anyone who will listen that the United
States is staring a new Depression in the eye. They cite the rising per barrel
cost of oil, rising health care costs, and the "failure" of the Bush
administration to create jobs, despite the fact that the government doesn't
create jobs; private industry and businesses, large and small, do that. More...

Heinz Thinks She’s Superior To Average American

Frederick Meekins / American World View -- Often libertarians and conservatives
studying the decline of liberty throughout the West speak of an elite that rules
over the masses with an iron hand while themselves ignoring the regulations they
impose upon the rest of us lower down the social ladder that they hold in
contempt. This conclusion is usually drawn by comparing what the snobs in
positions of leadership expect from the rest of us and the lax manner in which
they themselves live. More...

The Moral Case for the Invasion of Iraq - Part I

Peter C. Glover / -- When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you
do not wait until he has struck before you crush him.(1) Franklin D. Roosevelt
There's been much hand-wringing in the West over the morality of pre-emptive
strikes of force by national governments, especially in the wake of the new
global war, the War on Terror.(2) For many, the invasive rooting out of
terrorists in the cities and caves of Afghanistan by the USA post-9/11 was
somewhat understandable, for some just about acceptable. More...


3. Powerhouse Profits

Luke Hodgens is our Finance/Economics editor. His cogent commentary keeps you
informed about the economy and the market. Mr. Hodgens is also editor of an
investment newsletter that reveals stocks where you can take a direct interest
in what is going on in world. His recommendations are thoroughly researched and
geared toward the conservative investor - that is the politically conservative
investor. To find out more about a company he recommends in his most recent
newsletter, click on the link below:


4. The work of F. R. Duplantier is a welcome break from serious political
battles. Here is one of his latest limericks (he calls them Politickles):

Linus scans the nightscape scary
For a form imaginary:
There, looming tall
Like an orange ball,
Glows a pumpkin-colored Kerry!

Get Politickles Shop merchandise customized for your group or business, or
commission a one-of-a-kind design just for you. Take advantage of substantial
bulk-order discounts. See their full line at

For more information on Politickles or to order Mr. Duplantier's collection of
Politickle Limericks click on the link below:


To check out all the latest books by or about conservatives click the link


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Feel free to forward this update to friends, family, acquaintances or even your
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