The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Friday, October 22, 2004


1 Year Ago: Kerry/Edwards Vote Against

$87 billion for Troops in Iraq.

The Choice John Kerry Made on October 17th, 2003

John Kerry and his running mate John Edwards became two of only four U.S. Senators who voted for the use of force resolution against Iraq and against the $87 billion supplemental supporting our troops.

So far Kerry has explained his Oct. 17th vote nine different ways and has said everything from "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it" to declaring he was "proud" he voted against it. Most recently Kerry said it was a "mistake" how he "talked about" his vote against the $87 billion. The real "mistake" was Kerry's decision to vote for the war and then vote against supporting our troops serving in that war.

The Consequences of the Kerry Flip-Flop on $87 Billion

Soldiers Support President Bush: "69% said they place greater trust in Bush to handle the responsibilities of commander-in-chief...69% had a "favorable" view of Bush, while 29% professed a favorable view of Kerry. On character traits, Bush drew higher ratings than the Massachusetts senator for being caring, knowledgeable, optimistic, consistent and a strong leader" (Washington Post, 10/16/04 reporting on University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center, 9/22-10/5).

Veterans Support President Bush: President Bush has received the endorsement of over 300 veteran Flag Officers, and notable vets like Gen Tommy Franks (Commander of Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq), Gen PX Kelley (Commandant of the Marine Corps), and Gen Ron Fogelman (former Air Force Chief of Staff). While the VFW and American Legion cannot endorse presidential candidates, at least four past Commanders of the American Legion and two past Commanders of the VFW have endorsed President Bush, including both of their immediate past Commanders (Ed Banas, VFW; John Brieden, American Legion).

Your Role in Reelecting Our Leader

1. Vote Early. You may be able to cast your vote now via an absentee ballot. State laws allow absentee ballots to be cast if you cannot vote on Election Day. Please refer to to determine whether you are eligible to cast an absentee ballot in your state. If you will not be able to vote on Election Day, and meet the criteria, I encourage you to take this chance and vote absentee.

2. Volunteer for the President. Four years ago the President lost a commanding lead on the weekend before the election because the liberals orchestrated a massive get-out-the-vote operation; it nearly cost him the election. Volunteer now for the Bush Team's vital phone banking and door-to-door efforts. Click on

3. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspapers. Call Talk Radio.