The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Hope for the Best,

Prepare for the Recount

(A Letter From Tom Josefiak, General Counsel, Bush-Cheney 04, Inc. )

Dear Patrick,

You have probably never heard my name. I'm one of many people who work tirelessly behind the scenes on behalf of the President's campaign. I make sure we carefully follow the law in everything we do.

In 2000, I was in Florida for the recount and remember the attacks we had to fend off in order to protect the result of a fair election from the efforts to steal it. If we had not had the support of many, many generous individuals who made contributions to our recount effort, we would not have been successful. We must start now to make sure we have the resources to defend the outcome of this election. Will you help me by making a donation to our General Election Legal and Compliance Account?

The election of 2000 was difficult not just for the campaigns but for our country. Florida became the center of a battle for our Democracy. This year, I am concerned about similar efforts by those who would try to adjust the outcome of the election after the polls have closed. This year we may face similar fights not just in Florida, but in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico and other critical states.

By raising money for our GELAC fund, we will prepare early for any unforeseen events that may affect the outcome of the election. We will ensure that we are able to prevent any attempt to alter the outcome of the vote and any effort to suppress the voice of the voters.

I have spent many years in politics and have seen efforts to subvert the vote take many forms - from the manipulation of polling locations to the efforts we saw in Florida to make an end run around the state Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. Frankly, I am very tired, and hope we will not have to fight off more attacks on the people's will. The outcome of the election should be decided by voters not lawyers! But I suspect we will see more efforts by those who lost the election to change the rules so they can win.

With your help, we will ensure this does not happen.

I know you have been asked for donations a lot, and I, too, have given again and again. But I'll be making one more contribution - and I ask you to join me. Give all that you can, so if we have to fight for Florida, or any other state, we will have what we need to win.

Tom Josefiak
General Counsel
Bush-Cheney 04, Inc.

P.S. In 2000, I was in Florida and remember the attacks we had to fend off in order to protect the result of a fair election. We must start now to make sure we have the resources to defend the outcome of this election if it comes under attack.

Will you help me by making a donation to our General Election Legal and Compliance Account?