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During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree.
The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
The Conservative Monitor Update #162 Contents: 1. Book Review: - "Thank You, President Bush", by Aman Verjee and Rod Martin 2. Articles - CBS Hoax on America, by David M. Huntwork - Kerry Lied While Good Men Died, by Peter and Helen Evans - The Great Obesity Scam, by Alan Caruba - Drill America , Part I, by Luke Hodgens 3. Powerhouse Profits 4. Memorandum: Voter Manipulation 5. Weekly Politickle, by F.R. Duplantier ----- 1. Book of the Month: Thank You, President Bush: Reflections on the War on Terror, Defense of the Family, and Revival of the Economy, edited by Aman Verjee and Rod D. Martin. The contributors to this volume by scholars, activists and public servants is a "Who is Who" of the conservative movement. It includes Dick Cheney, Phyllis Schlafly, Stephen Moore (of the Club for Growth), Grover Norquist, John Ashcroft, Bill Bennett and many more. Each essay is an exposition on a Bush Policy and reveals what it has done to make America and the World and better place. Topics fall under Presidential Character, Foreign Policy, Economic Policy, Social Policy and The Rule of Law. A thorough reading of this book reveals why George W. Bush is one of the best Presidents of the current age and why he deserves to serve two terms in that office. For a thorough understanding of current events and how Presidential power can effect them there is no better work than this compendium. For more information on this book click on the link below: ----- 2. Articles CBS Hoax on America David M. Huntwork / Constitution Club -- Poor Col. Killian died in 1984 but I believe he would be surprised at the stir he created some twenty years after his death. On the evening of Sept. 8th CBS’s 60 Minutes II dropped what they considered to be a (rather convenient) “bombshell” regarding President Bush’s service in the National Guard. Directly contradicting Defense Department records showing that in 1973 Col. Killian praised Mr. Bush's performance and approved his honorable discharge, four memos from Col. Killian impugning the service of Bush during those years were produced with much fanfare. According to CBS, they consulted a handwriting analyst and document expert who believed the material to be authentic. More... Kerry Lied While Good Men Died Peter and Helen Evans / PeterAndHellenEvans -- "Kerry Lied while Good Men Died." That was one of the chants today on Capitol Hill. You probably didn't see much of it in the so-called "mainstream" media, but on September 12, 2004 in Washington a rally was held at the U.S. Capitol by a group calling themselves "Vietnam Vets for the Truth." They spoke of having healed from their many physical wounds, but contrasted those with the un-healed wounds that Sen. John Kerry's words had inflicted on them during the Vietnam War and re-opened now with his audacious bid for the Presidency. While many of them were still fighting to keep South Vietnam free from Communist tyranny, Kerry was calling them "war criminals" before Congress and meeting with the enemy in Paris. He's the only Presidential candidate with his picture in a place of honor in the enemy's museum. A sign at the rally called him a "Hanoi John Kerry, Viet Cong war Hero." More... The Great Obesity Scam Alan Caruba / Anxiety Center -- Is the day far off when the federal government will decide what you eat and how much? The assault on the personal freedoms of Americans continues unabated. First it was the decision whether to smoke or not and now it involves every piece of food you ingest. More... Drill America , Part I Luke Hodgens / Powerhouse Profits -- Worried about the performance of your 401K? Upset at the obscene prices of gasoline? Disappointed at the rate of jobs growth? You're not alone. Although the US economy has rebounded nicely from the tech crash in 2000 and subsequent recession, growth, especially this year, has not been as robust as hoped. While tax cuts have spurred consumer spending and new job hiring, one particular factor has applied brakes to the economy, Oil. More... ----- 3. Powerhouse Profits Luke Hodgens is our Finance/Economics editor. His cogent commentary keeps you informed about the economy and the market. Mr. Hodgens is also editor of an investment newsletter that reveals stocks where you can take a direct interest in what is going on in world. His recommendations are thoroughly researched and geared toward the conservative investor - that is the politically conservative investor. To find out more about a company he recommends in his most recent newsletter, click on the link below: ----- 4. Memorandum: Democratic Party Voters, by Michelle Anonymous This letter refers to the following article: W.J. Rayment's completely untrue characterization of democratic party voters in the article regarding an election day holiday really angered me. I am incensed that a person could make such sweeping, false judgments of those from one party. As long as Rayment is making such generalizations, I may as well make a few more relevant generalizations of my own. I have never in my life found those who vote Republican more hard-working; in fact, it's often been the opposite! Most of those I knew backing up the Republican party are from inherited wealth, rarely lifting a finger if not required. These are the people admitted to Yale or Harvard simply because of Legacy, barely graduate, skip their military service, spend an unaccounted for amount of time involved in hard drugs and driving under the influence, and eventually go on to become President of the United States. Shame on you for your false depictions and scandalous lies. Your ignorance sickens me. Michelle Our Response: Dear Michelle, The article was a humorous poke in the eye at leftist machinations to skew the vote. When the left makes fun of the right, they call it satire. When the right makes fun of the left it is called "false depictions and scandalous lies" (your words). The fact is that the Republican party has been found to be supported, in the main, by the middle class. The Democrats are supported by the the two extremes. The Welfare Class and the Patrician Class. Unfortunately the stereo-type I presented is impregnated with a seed of truth. Cordially, WJR ----- 5. The work of F. R. Duplantier is a welcome break from serious political battles. Here is one of his latest limericks (he calls them Politickles): KERRY'S QUALIFICATIONS "If the voters could only see How I windsurf and snowboard and ski, How I take nature hikes And ride mountain bikes, I'm quite certain they'd vote for me." Get Politickles Shop merchandise customized for your group or business, or commission a one-of-a-kind design just for you. Take advantage of substantial bulk-order discounts. See their full line at For more information on Politickles or to order Mr. Duplantier's collection of Politickle Limericks click on the link below: ----- To check out all the latest books by or about conservatives click the link below: ----- Your commentary is invited. Please use the link below to express your rants and raves: ----- Feel free to forward this update to friends, family, acquaintances or even your worst enemy. We do not trade or give away email addresses so subscribers never need worry about getting SPAM: ----- |