The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Just Some Thoughts...

As a lifelong resident of NYC (Except for time in the military), I have many times done battle with various types of vermin that can invade our living space. Believe me, they're tough to get rid of...

What would eliminate ordinary roaches, rats, and Democrats in other parts of the country, doesn't phase the NYC variety.

The point that I'm slowly getting to is a story in the New York Post by Deborah Orin, about that worthless scumbag Joseph Wilson IV. I thought we had purged him from the political field, apparently like a NYC cockroach, he's still active.


One thing I've learned in my lifelong battle against NYC vermin, is if they come back, give them the treatment all over again.

Therefore, I'm repeating my post of July 11, 2004 and urge everyone to pound this asshole until he's gone.

Normally, I try not to repeat political stories more than once on this site. However, the following story has been ignored by the mainstream media, Drudge, Newmax, etc. The only ones interested are the Blogosphere.

Kevin Patrick wrote on Blogs for Bush about a story about Joe Wilson, he

"..the Washington Post shows that the Joe Wilson/Yellowcake Uranium Scandal/Publicity Tour was full of self-serving, dishonest and all-around
wrong statments, allegations and propoganda by the former Ambassador who
"outed" the Bush White House's ignoring of his warning that Iraq
didn't seek uranium from Niger. Turns out the White House was correct and Joe Wilson is a publicity seeking liar."

This story has yet to be picked up by Drudge, or make waves in the
mainstream media.

Here's how was can possibly help. With your blogs please write about the
story from the Washington Post.

Please check out the Washington Post story, the blog entry at Blogs For Bush
about it, and blog about it on your sites.

In order to effective increase the blog-popularity of this story, please
link to both the Washington Post article, the entry on Blogs For Bush on it,
and track back Blogs For Bush. This will allow various blog crawling engines to rank the stories and our blogs appropriately, increasing our effect.

This is important because as I mentioned earlier, the Republican National
Committee and the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign are watching Blogs For Bush.
I also advise you to check out the various blog entries that trackback the
entry on Blogs For Bush, and select a few that you find particularly
insightful to trackback from your own sites. This can increase traffic to
your blog and help push this story by showing visitors of all your blogs
that this is a big story that must be talked about.

Here are the relevant links:

The Washington Post Story:

The entry on Blogs For Bush:

The Trackback URL on Blogs For Bush:

When this story broke back in February/March of this year; the media was in a feeding frenzy. Indictments of Vice-President Cheney and Karl Rove were supposed to be just around the corner.

Now it appears that if anyone should be indicted, it would be Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV.