The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Just Some Thoughts...

Apparently the Democrats have expanded their schedule of events for the next week.

Copying Alert: I found this posted as a comment by John at

Barking Moonbat Early Warning System.

Funny! I saw this one using the actual DNC dates:

2004 Democratic National Convention - Official Program

July 26 ~ July 29, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts

July 26

8:00 pm - Opening flag burning ceremony
8:05 pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
8:10 pm - Opening secular prayers by Reverend Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton
8:15 pm - Speech: "Blame America First" by Senator Ted Kennedy
8:30 pm - Speech: "Preventing effective government communication" by Jamie Gorelick
8:45 pm - 9-11 Commission status update: "Where Bush failed"
8:55 pm - Group apology led by Richard Clarke
9:00 pm - Speech: "Selling out your allies: How to protect your oil contracts and kickbacks" by French President Jacques Chirac
9:15 pm - Tribute to France
9:30 pm - Terrorist appeasement workshop
9:45 pm - Re-enactment of Kerry's fake medal toss
10:00 pm - Anti-war rally and sit-in
10:50 pm - Collection for al-Zawahri defense fund
10:55 pm - Release of Guantanamo Bay prisoners

July 27

8:00 pm - Opening flag burning ceremony
8:05 pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
8:10 pm - Speech: "Our Democracy is a Farce: reliving the Kerry Vietnam years" by Tim Robbins
8:30 pm - Gay marriage ceremony led by Rosie O'Donnell
8:45 pm - Speech: "Honoring the dead to boost your 'sweeps' ratings" by Nightline anchor Ted Koppel
9:00 pm - Speech: "Effective use of the media to promote book sales" by Sixty Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl
9:15 pm - Speech: "Put us back in the 'West Wing'" by Martin Sheen
9:30 pm - Anti-Bush rally: "Hey, hey; ho, ho; George W. Bush has got to go!" led by Michael Moore
9:45 pm - Anti-war concert by Barbara Streisand
10:55 pm - Senator Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

July 28

8:00 pm - Opening flag burning ceremony
8:05 pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
9:00 pm - Speech: "Free healthcare through socialized medicine" by Senator Hillary Clinton
9:14 pm - Senator Clinton removed from stage when she starts saying, "Pick me, not that loser. I shouldn't have to wait; I'm ready now"
9:15 pm - Speech: "Why we need a liberal to stack the courts" by Senator Patrick Leahy
9:30 pm - Partial-birth abortion demonstration
9:45 pm - Speech: "Bush ruined my Education bill by signing it" by Senator Ted Kennedy
10:00 pm - Symbolic repeal of Bush tax cuts
10:05 pm - Speech: "How the super-rich will profit under Kerry" by George Soros, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates Sr., and Teresa Heinz Kerry
10:15 pm - Insider trading workshop with Martha Stewart
10:30 pm - Senator Kerry's voting record for the issues presented by Senator Tom Daschle
10:35 pm - Senator Kerry's voting record against the issues presented by Congressperson Nancy Pelosi
10:40 pm - Speech: "Racial harmony: My days in the Klan" by Senator Robert Byrd
10:55 pm - Lifetime Achievement Award presentation to the America's First Black President: Bill Clinton

July 29

8:00 pm - Opening flag burning ceremony
8:05 pm - Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations
8:10 pm - Speech: "Elections in the balance: Legal options if we lose" by former Vice President Al Gore
8:45 pm - Voting workshop
9:00 pm - Endorsement of Howard Dean: "Yeeeaaahhhh!"
9:15 pm - Nomination of the Democratic vice presidential candidate Senator John "He's so handsome" Edwards
9:30 pm - Speech: "I'm not Cheney" by the vice presidential candidate by Senator John "He's so smooth" Edwards
9:45 pm - Nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate: Senator John Kerry
10:00 pm - Vote to include "I hate Bush" in the DNC platform
10:01 pm - Passes by unanimous voice vote
10:15 pm - Speech: "We need a regime change in the United States" by Senator John Kerry
10:45 pm - Rebuttal to Senator Kerry's remarks by Senator John Kerry
10:55 pm - Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
11:00 pm - Closing sing-a-long
11:15 pm - Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton have invited the ladies back to their place for a nightcap. Ted and Bill will be driving.

As I said before, the Democratic Party is in such sad shape, that most Democrats would see nothing wrong with some or all of the events listed above.