The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Just Some Thoughts...

Somehow, I'm on the mailing list of the Democratic Party. I've tried every spam filter known, asked that my name be left off their lists, and sent threatening letters to them. However, every cloud has a silver lining.

The DNCC sent me the following, and my first reaction was "What a load of crap!". Then I decided to post it for the entertainment of others, who will probably do a very good job of deconstructing the text, analyzing, and mocking it. I'm a big fan of mockery.

Go to it!


Four Days to Focus on the Kerry-Edwards Vision
For a Nation 'Stronger at Home, Respected in the World'

Washington, DC * The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC)
today unveiled the thematic framework for the 2004 Democratic National
Convention, which will take place July 26-29 in Boston, MA.

"The 2004 Democratic Convention will tell the life stories of John
Kerry and John Edwards to the nation * the story of their lifetime of
service to the nation and fight for average Americans, and their vision for a
stronger and more secure America," said Governor Bill Richardson, Permanent
Chair of the 2004 Convention. "We believe in a nation that is 'Stronger at Home,
Respected in the World,' and this Convention will showcase the team
that Americans can trust to always be on their side to achieve that goal."

"Throughout his life, John Kerry has answered the call to duty with
patriotism and resolve," said Governor Jeanne Shaheen, Chair of
Kerry-Edwards for President and a Convention Vice-Chair. "During this
Convention, we will tell the story of his lifetime of strength and
service and how, with John Edwards, he will put those values to work for all

Using speakers, videos, and other programmatic elements, organizers
will amplify several themes over the course of the four-day Convention. The
following is a partial speakers list.

Monday, July 26

The Kerry-Edwards Plan for America's Future

The opening night of the Convention will highlight the Kerry-Edwards
plan to make America strong at home and respected in the world. John Kerry
and John Edwards believe that a stronger America begins with a strong
economy and a growing middle class, health care that's affordable and
available for all, and a nation that is free and independent of Mideast oil. John
Kerry and John Edwards also know that to be strong at home, America must be
respected in the world. As President and Vice President, John Kerry
and John Edwards will strengthen our military and lead strong alliances.

On Monday, featured speakers will highlight key elements of the
Kerry-Edwards optimistic plan for America's future, including:
Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of Ohio who will talk about the
plan to create new and better jobs at home and a stronger economy for the
middle class, Representative Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin who will discuss the
plan to create affordable and available health care for all Americans, and
Representative Bob Menendez of New Jersey who will discuss the
Kerry-Edwards' plans to strengthen America's position in the world.

Former Vice President Gore and Former President Carter will speak
Monday as well as Former President Clinton who will outline John Kerry's
proven leadership, real experience and optimistic vision to strengthen

Tuesday, July 27

A Lifetime of Strength & Service

John Kerry's life reflects strength, character, and sense of duty and
honor. These values reflect the type of leader he has been throughout
his life, and will be as President of the United States.

On Tuesday, speakers will talk about John Kerry's lifetime of
strength and service. Speakers including Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts,
Christie Vilsack of Iowa and Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona will talk
about John Kerry and John Edwards' service to the nation and fight for
average Americans.

Teresa Heinz Kerry will speak Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, July 28

A Stronger More Secure America

John Kerry and John Edwards have the strength of character and
toughness to lead America during difficult times and a plan to keep us safe.
They will protect America by building a strong military and strengthening
international alliances, and they will protect us at home by improving
homeland security and by supporting our police, firefighters and other
first responders. John Kerry and John Edwards know that an America
respected in the world is an America safer at home.

Featured speakers who will highlight the Kerry-Edwards path to a
strong and more secure America include: Governor Bill Richardson of New
Mexico; Mayor Martin O'Malley of Baltimore, Maryland; and Retired Marine Lt.
Col. Steve Brozak of New Jersey.

Vice Presidential nominee Senator John Edwards will address the
Convention on Wednesday evening. Elizabeth Edwards will introduce her husband.

Thursday, July 29

Stronger at Home, Respected in the World

On Thursday evening, John Kerry will address the nation. He will
tell the American people that, as president, he will face the nation's
challenges head on and work on behalf of all Americans to build an America that is
stronger at home, and respected in the world. He will also talk about
his optimistic vision to build a stronger America, and his commitment to
the values that make America great, including working hard and playing by
the rules, and strengthening faith, family and freedom throughout our

Preceding John Kerry and playing an important role will be his Swift
Boat Crewmates, who have stood by Kerry for more than 30 years since Kerry
lead them through the dangerous waters of Vietnam's Mekong Delta. Jim
Rassman, the Green Beret that John Kerry rescued by pulling him out of a river
in Vietnam under enemy fire, will also speak about John Kerry's tested
leadership, strength of character and lifetime of service to the

These men will speak to Kerry's ability to lead America during
difficult times and to make America stronger at home and respected in the world.

John Kerry's daughters, Alex and Vanessa Kerry and two step sons,
Chris and Andre Heinz, will also play a role in Thursday night's program.
They will speak about John Kerry as a father and role model that taught
them the importance of serving your country and fighting for the ideals that
make this nation great.

The Honorable Max Cleland, one of the men that know John Kerry best,
will introduce him on Thursday night. Senator Cleland will talk about his
friend as a commander in chief that has been tested on the battlefield and
that can be trusted to lead America to safer and stronger times.

The 2004 Democratic Convention will take place at the FleetCenter in
Boston. For regularly updated Convention information visit

After reading this load of horse manure, I hope the Boston Police Department puts a picket line ten deep around the Fleet Center.