The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Just Some Thoughts...

Instead of doing any original work, I'm more than glad to turn this over to Blogs for Bush:

With the shameful fundraiser Kerry & Edwards held last Thursday, I've
thought of two different past stories, the first being the Paul Wellstone
Funeral/Rally and the second being the Trent Lott fiasco. The latter is
believed by many to have built up momentum because of bloggers, and the
former teaches us the power that video has at exposing the nature of
liberals who care more about winning then about values.

Well, we know there must be a video of that fundraiser somewhere. (Editor's note: Let's offer a reward.) So as
bloggers, we have to keep the story talked about and fresh in people's minds
until the video comes out.

Captain Ed has a post on Blogs For Bush today regarding Kerry "vowing to
restore truth to the presidency" and notes how Kerry lies in the article
after claiming that he and Edwards "have not stood up and attacked our
opponents in personal ways,"

If you read Captain Ed's post, it's clear that this fundraiser, (which
amongst other things feature grotesque insults against Bush by Whoopi
Goldberg) can be a huge liability to the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the
longer we keep this story fresh in people's minds the better chance we'll
see the video get leaked while the story still has public interest. And
don't forget, this fundraiser is the event he went to after saying he didn't
have time for a national security briefing.

My hope is that if this story gets pushed throughout the week, we can
contribute to reader awareness of this event, and help mount pressure to
release the tape.

Other things you can do besides writing about the stories is submit your
blog entries to Instapundit and the WSJ's Best of Web to try and get more
attention to your posts. Instapundit seems less inclined to link to posts on
Blogs For Bush due to its overly obvious partisan nature, but if a number of
you wrote stuff about this recently Washington Post story in contrast to
the fundraiser, he may just link to a few of your posts.

So lets see if we can keep this story alive... Don't forget to link and
trackback Blogs For Bush, each others blogs, and discuss the story in
comment threads.

Here are the relevant links:

Entry on Blogs For Bush:

'Even The Washington Post Isn't Buying The Kerry Line'

The Trackback URL on Blogs For Bush:

The Washington Post Story

"Kerry Vows To Restore 'Truth' to Presidency":

NY Times article on the Fundraiser:

New York Post article on the Fundraiser:

Earlier Entries that are relevent:

Senator Flip-Flop Lectures Bush On Values?:

Kerry: I Don't Have Time For Briefings

E-mail tip to Instapundit:

E-mail tip to WSJ's Best of the Web: