The Pamphleteer

During colonial times in America, if you wanted to convince or inform people about some issue that you considered important, you went to the local printer and got some pamphlets printed. You then handed them out, read them to anybody that was interested, nailed them to the town bulletin board, or the nearest tree. The first amendment was specifically written to protect this type of activity and the writers or "pamphleteers".

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Friday, July 09, 2004

Dear Patrick,

On July 15th, all across America, thousands of Parties for the President will be held on the second National Party for the President Day.

Join us as Mrs. Laura Bush speaks with tens of thousands of supporters on a live conference call to discuss the President, his campaign, and why he is the right President for these challenging times. Please sign up to host a Party today:

On the last National Party for the President Day, 5,245 Parties were held in all 50 states. These parties are easy and fun. Just ask Melanie Perry of Moss Bluff, Louisiana. "Forty-six enthusiastic supporters gathered to participate in the Party for the President here...One guest really summed up how all of us felt, 'The Bush-Cheney party was so nice yesterday! It was so nice to be in a room full of people that support our President.'"

You can also ask Sam and Sheri Crawford from Bellingham, Washington. "Our party was a great success on National Party for the President Day. We hosted 12 enthusiastic guests at our backyard barbecue, and even met some new friends who share our support for President George W. Bush."

Don't miss out on the fun. This time, host your own Party for the President and share your support with your friends and neighbors.

By opening your home to other supporters, you're helping spread the word about the President's positive agenda for America.

On April 29, Ray and Betty Vin Zant opened their home to more than 60 friends in Minnesota and the excitement was shared by all. "As I talked with the guests, it became clear that the commitment to President Bush is strong, and they are absolute in their determination to turn out their community for the President in November.

"This is a very enthusiastic group of people, and I have no doubt that Minnesota will be in the Bush column come November."

Don't miss your opportunity to share the excitement. Host your Party for the President on July 15th.


Marc Racicot